
Belonging, Prosperity and Security in More-Than-Human World

Belonging, Prosperity and Security in More-Than-Human World

Wed Sep 04 09:37:25 CEST 2019

10—11 September 2019, Na Florenci 3 (Lower Hall), Prague 1, Czech Republic

Workshop organised by Luděk Brož, Giovanna Capponi, Paul Keil, Jiří Krejčík & Virginie Vaté
Kindly supported by Strategy 21 – Global Conflicts and Local Interactions
& Institute of Ethnology and Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and CEFRES (CNRS-MEAE)


9.45 Getting to know each other over a cup of tea or coffee

10.00—10.30 Welcome address and introduction (Luděk Brož, Giovanna Capponi, Jiří Krejčík & Virginie Vaté)

Session 1. Chair: Daniel Sosna, Institute of Ethnology CAS

10.30—11.00 Porcine Proto-Ecologies: Activating an Infra-Species Cosmopolitics

Aníbal G. Arregui, University of Barcelona

11.00—11.30 Fencing, Zoning, Bordering – The Spatial Governance of ‘Risky’ Animal Mobilities

Larissa Fleischmann, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

11.30—12.00 Impacts of the Biosecurity and Conservation Biology Discourse around the Control of Wild Boar Expansion in South America: the Case of Uruguay

Juan Martin Dabezies, Universidad de la República, Uruguay / University of Roehampton, University of Kent

12.00—13.30 Lunch

Session 2. Chair: Jiří Krejčík, Institute of Sociology CAS

13.30—14.00 Naturalizing Landscapes, Naturalizing Animal Migrants: Giant Tortoise Rewilding in the Indian Ocean

Lisa Jenny Krieg, Universität Bonn

14.00—14.30 Controlling Non-Human Marine Migrants: Border Regimes Invasive Species and Thalassopolitics in the Mediterranean Sea

Karin Ahlberg, Stockholm University

14.30—15.00 Moving for Animals: Considering the Future of Animal-Based Tourism

Erica von Essen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

15.00—15.30 Coffee break

Session 3. Chair: Giovanna Capponi, CEFRES

15.30—16.00 Hierarchy as a harmony? Contradictions of the Indian environmental thinking

Jiří Krejčík, Institute of Sociology CAS

16.00—16.30 Don‘t Shoot the Messenger

Khalil Avi, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

16.30—17.30 Discussion (chair: Virginie Vaté, CNRS, CEFRES)

18.30 Pub dinner


Session 4. Chair: Michal Šípoš, Institute of Ethnology CAS, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

9.30—10.00 Emerging Sexual Nationalism in Eastern Europe in the Context of the Refugee Crisis

Petra Andits, Tel Aviv University

10.00—10.30 Working with the Metaphor of the Migrant-Parasite: the Moral Economy of State Agents in Charge of Implementing the Fight against Marriage of Convenience in Brussels

Maïté Maskens, Université Libre de Bruxelles

10.30—11.00 Belonging is Everything: Thoughts from Indian Migrants in the UAE

Caroline Osella, University of Sussex

11.00—11.30 Coffee break

Session 5. Chair: Aníbal G. Arregui, University of Barcelona

11.30—12.00 Governing Animals’ Mobilities: Resurgence and Proliferation in Novel European Ecologies

Jamie Lorimer, University of Oxford

12.00—12.30 Nonhuman Mobiles and Feral Ecologies

Maan Barua, University of Cambridge

12.30—13.00 Rewilding Politics – Debating the Modes of Coexistence between Sedentary Wolves and People in Northern Germany

Julia Poerting, University of Bonn

13.00—14.00 Lunch

Session 6. Chair: Erica von Essen, Swedish University of Agricultural Studies

14.00—14.30 FERAL FEVER: Pig-Virus Mobilities in the Border Zones of Global Capital

Bettina Stoetzer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

14.30—15.00 Migratory Chickens, Immigrant Birds: the Wild/Domestic Borderland in the Context of Avian Influenza in Hong Kong

Frédéric Keck, CNRS, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale

15.00—15.30 From Metaphors to Homologies? Conceptualizing Mobility, Belonging and Security in More- than-human World

Luděk Brož, Institute of Ethnology CAS and CEFRES

15.30—16.00 Coffee break

16.00—18.00 Discussion (chair: Luděk Brož, Institute of Ethnology CAS and CEFRES)

19.00 Dinner


PDF programme

Emigrating Animals Migratory Humans