Center of Scientific Information
Center of Scientific Information
Center of Scientific Information contains large collections of documents. Their value places them among the most important sources for the ethnographic research in the Czech Republic. The history of collections goes back to the 1st half of the 19th century. They were created through organized collecting and field research. These funds are constantly expanded by the research by the Institute’s scholars, donations from amateur collectors, gifts, and purchases. The main task of the Center of Scientific Information is to provide information services to the Institute’s researchers as well as to other visitors.
Price list of SVI EÚ AV ČR,v. v. i.
Center of Scientific Information consists of:
SVI Praha, Na Florenci 3, Praha 1
SVI field workplace Brno, Veveří 97, Brno
Head of department: PhDr. Barbora Gergelová
mail: gergelova@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 234 612 611
Mgr. Ondřej Volčík,document collections, song and folklore related aterial, video collection, field workplace Brno
mail: volcik@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 532 290 267
Mgr. Vendula Novotná, library, ASEP, field workplace Brno
mail: novotna@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 532 290 277 (mobile 737 406 760)
Bc. Barbora Gurecká, document collections, Praha
mail: gurecka@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 222 828 502
PhDr. Ludmila Kopalová, library, Praha
mail: kopalova@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 234 612 610
PhDr. Dana Motyčková, CSc., library, plan documentation, Praha
mail: motyckova@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 222 828 605
Andrea Zobačová, fotodocumentation, field workplace Brno
mail: zobacova@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 532 290 274
Following colleagues form other departments are also available for consultation on our documents:
PhDr. Lucie Uhlíková, Ph.D., music documents, consultations, (Department of memory studies, field workplace Brno)
Mail: uhlikova@seznam.cz,
tel.: +420 532 290 273
Matěj Kratochvíl, Ph.D., music documents (Department of ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology, Prague)
mail: kratochvil@eu.cas.cz
tel.: +420 222 828 508
Documentary collections and archive fonds of Institute of Ethnology Czech Academy of Sciences
- are designated as archival cultural relics and listed in the register of national archival heritage under No. 901100270
The documentary collections and the archive fonds (the archive/record groups) deposited in the Institute of Ethnology Czech Academy of Sciences are mostly written records. Due to historical context - Institute of Ethnology was preceded by the State Institute for Folk Song, then the Departments for Folk Song and for Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences and later on the Institute for Ethnography and and Folklore Studies - these fonds are thematically primarily folkloristic, both verbal and music, and personal inheritance of founders as well as eminent experts on Czech and Czechoslovak ethnology. Nevertheless, the same importance in the archive have collections and thematic fonds of institutional or purely private nature.
In the archive of Prague’s Institute of Ethnology CAS are deposited also video and audio records from documentary activity of the individual departments of the institute. Among the largest fonds belong photo documentation and personal fonds – inheritances.
Contact person:Barbora Gurecká
(Please be advised that the archives records are mostly in Czech, Slovak or German language.)