
Petr Jehlička

Petr Jehlička



doc. RNDr. Petr Jehlička, Ph.D.

Senior Researcher





Research profile 

Petr Jehlička obtained his PhD in social and political sciences at Cambridge University, UK. His research is located in agri-food and environmental studies and revolves around everyday environmentalism and sustainable food consumption at the intersection of formal and informal food economies. More recently he has explored these topics in relation to inequalities in the geography of knowledge production. A significant strand of his research engaged in critical analyses of the attempts to transfer food innovations from the West to the East European region. Petr’s work on these topics has been published in Progress in Human Geography, Agriculture and Human Values, Journal of Rural Studies, and Political Geography, among others.

Petr is a Principal Investigator of the RESOURCE Project (Research on Environmental Sustainability and on the Use of Resources in Central European Households; 2024 - 2029) funded by the Czech Academy of Sciences under the Praemium Academiae scheme.

Research output

Scientific publications

Edited Volumes and Special Issues 

2019      Visser, S., Dorondel, S., Jehlička, P. and Spoor, M. (eds.) Special section: Post-socialist smallholders: silence, resistance and alternatives. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 40(4).


Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals (since 2019)

2023     Jehlička, P., Ma, H., Kostelecký, T. and Smith, J. Chinese food self-provisioning: Key sustainability policy lessons hidden in plain sight. Agriculture and Human Values (in press).

2022     McGreevy, S. R., Rupprecht, C. D. D., Niles, D., Wiek, A., Carolan, M., Kallis, G., Kantamaturapoj, K., Mangnus, A., Jehlička P. et al. Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world. Nature Sustainability, Open Access

2022     Daněk, P., Sovová, L., Jehlička, P., Vávra, J. and Lapka, M. From coping strategy to hopeful everyday practice: Changing interpretations of food self‐provisioning. Sociologia Ruralis 62(3): 651-671.

2021     Jehlička, P., Ančić, B., Daněk, P. and Domazet, M. Beyond hardship and joy: framing home gardening on insights from the European semi-periphery. Geoforum 126: 150-158.

2021     Sovová, L., Jehlička, P. and Daněk, P. Growing the Beautiful Anthropocene: Ethics of Care in East European Gardens. Sustainability 13(9), 5193.

2021     Jehlička, P. and Jacobsson, K. The importance of recognizing difference: Rethinking Central and East European environmentalism. Political Geography 87. Open Access:

2021     Jehlička, P. Eastern Europe and the geography of knowledge production: The case of the invisible gardener. Progress in Human Geography 45(5): 1218-1236.

2020     Jehlička, P., Grīviņš, M., Visser, O. and Balázs, B. Thinking food like an East European: A critical reflection on the framing of food systems. Journal of Rural Studies 76: 286-295.

2019     Visser, O., Dorondel, S., Jehlička, P. and Spoor, M. Post-socialist smallholders: silence, resistance and alternatives. Canadian Journal for Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 40(4): 499-510.

2019     Jehlička, P., Daněk, P. and Vávra, J. Rethinking resilience: Home gardening, food sharing and everyday resistance. Canadian Journal for Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 40(4): 511-527.


Book Chapters (since 2019)

2021     Visser, O., Kuns, B. and Jehlička, P. Beyond Confrontation: Silent growers, Symbiosis, and Subtle Peasantness in Post-Socialist Eurasia. In Akram-Lodhi, A. H., Dietz, K., Engels, B. a McKay, B. (eds.) Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies. Edward Elgar, 305-315.

2021     Daněk, P. and Jehlička, P. Quietly Degrowing: Food Self-provisioning in Central Europe. In Nelson, A. and Edwards, F. (eds.): Food for Degrowth: Perspectives and Practices. Abingdon: Routledge, 33-44.

Conferences and workshops

Selected Conference Keynote Addresses and Invited Talks (since 2019)

2023     Jehlička, P. (12-14/7/2023) East European households’ resource-use practices: Learning from the epistemic periphery? Headliner Talk at Transformations Community European Hub Conference, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.

2022     Jehlička, P. (19-22/10/2022) Urban agriculture as an already existing sustainability: Lessons from the epistemic peripheries. Keynote address at the AESEOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference ‘Feeding the melting pot: agroecological urbanism for inclusive and sustainable food practices’, Aeres University, Almere, Netherlands.

2022     Jehlička, P., Ma H., Kostelecký, T. and Smith, J. (19/10/2022) Chinese home and guerrilla gardening: The importance of preventing the loss of already existing sustainability. Invited talk at the international workshop ‘Crisis, climate and challenges & opportunities of urban agriculture’, Institute of Social Studies, Rotterdam University, The Hague, the Netherlands.

2022     Jehlička, P. and Daněk, P. (13/5/2022) Quietly degrowing: food self-provisioning in Central Europe. Invited talk at the conference ‘Food for Degrowth in Central Europe’, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

2022     Jehlička, P. (28/4/2022) East European diverse food system: learning from the periphery? Keynote address at the conference ‘Food, Wasted Food and Future’, Mendel University, Brno, Czechia.

2022     Jehlička, P. (17/2/2022) East European diverse food system: learning from the periphery? Invited talk a the Workshop of Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies ‘The Farm to Fork Strategy: what can we learn from the evolution of EU agricultural policy?‘ Brussels, Belgium.

2021     Jehlička, P. (28/5/2021) Changing the food provisioning landscapes: What lessons can we learn from the post-socialist countries? Invited talk at the open seminar ‘Exploring Landscape Boundaries’, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia.

2021     Jehlička, P. (13-16/1/2021) Reimagining informal food practices: sustainability lessons from the European East. Invited talk at the RIHN 15th International Symposium ‘Transitioning Cultures of Everyday Food Consumption and Production: Stories from a Post-growth Future’, Kyoto, Japan.

2019     Jehlička, P. (8-10/11/2019) Degrowth lessons from the European East: self-provisioning, sharing and the resilient food system. Invited talk at the Winter Seminar Degrowth Kaleidoscope – Real-Existing Utopias in Action of the Zagreb Institute of Political Ecology’s Green Academy, Plitvička jezera, Croatia.

2019     Jehlička, P. (26-28/6/2019) East European informal food production and distribution: socially resilient, economically diverse and quietly sustainable. Keynote address at the 19th IAMO Forum: ‘Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth?’ Halle, Germany.

2019     Jehlička, P. (26-27/4/2019) (Home-grown) Food for Thought: Putting the European East Back on the Map of Knowledge Production. Keynote address at the Conference of the Estonian Social Sciences Society, University of Tartu, Estonia.

2019     Jehlička, P. (15/4/2019) Food for thought: Eastern Europe, informal food economy and the unequal geography of knowledge production. Invited talk at Ruralia Institute, Helsinki University, Mikkeli, Finland.

2019     Jehlička, P. and Fendrychová, L. (26/3/2019) Farmers’ markets and transformations of the food system: Uncovering the hidden geography of alternative food networks. Invited talk at Guilin Tourism University, China.

2019     Jehlička, P. (23/3/2019) Home grown food, environmental ethics of everyday life and quiet sustainability. Invited talk at the Investigation and Training Course of Field Work on ‘Home Grown Food’ and International Symposium on Rural Geography, College of Geography and Resources, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, China.

Grants and awards

2024-2029         Research on Environmental Sustainability and on the Use of Resources in Central European Households (‘RESOURCE Project’), funded by the Czech Academy of Sciences under the Praemium Academiae Scheme, Principal Investigator.

Other publications and activities


2023     Mathijs, E., Baird, J., Blomhoff, R., Büttner, A., Daugbjerg, C., Galli, F., Gwozdz, W., Janssen, M., Jehlička, P., Mattauch, L., Roosen, J., Röös, E., Schneider, T., Trichopoulou, A., Truninger, M., van Doorn, J., Vandevijvere, S. Towards sustainable food consumption. Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) Report. SAPEA, Berlin (