Anežka Brožová
Anežka Brožová
Mgr. Anežka Brožová 
e-mail: brozova@eu.cas.cz
Collective memory, nationalism and national minorities, Central Europe and German-speaking countries
2018 - present Ph.D., Modern/Contemporary History, Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences
2018 Mgr. and mgr, German and Central-European Studies, Charles University and Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny in Cracow
Master Thesis: Hlučín Soldiers in the Wehrmacht - Conflicting Narrative in the Czech Culture of Remembrance
2001 Bc. and B.A., Czech-German Studies, Charles University and Universität Regensburg
Bachelor Thesis: Max Brod as an intermediary of the Czech drama to the German-speaking audience. A reception of the Czech theatre in the articles of Max Brod in journals Prager Abendblatt and Prager Tagblatt from 1921 to 1939
2022 – 2025 GAČR Project Transformation of Silesia 1945 – 1948, member of the research team
2020 – 2021 Centre for Doctoral Studies, Institute of International Studies, FSV UK
10-11/2019, 9/2020 DAAD Scholarship, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
2018 Excellent Thesis, Forschungsverbund “Grenze/n in nationalen und transnationalen Erinnerungskulturen zwischen Tschechien und Bayern“
“World War II Monuments and Graves in the Hlučín Region: Fallen Hlučín Soldiers as a Contested Realm of Memory in the Czech Culture of Remambrance”, in East Central European Cemeteries. Ethnic, Linguistic and Narrative Aspects of Sepulchral Culture and the Commemoration of the Dead in Borderlands, ed. Ferdinand Kühnel, Soňa Mikulová and Snežana Stanković (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2023), 47–76.