Maruška Svašek
Maruška Svašek
Visiting scholar
Maruška Svašek is Professor of Anthropology at Queens University Belfast, UK and co-Director of the Centre for Creative Ethnography. Her main research interests include art, migration, politics, emotions and creative methods. In the last fifteen years, her work has brought these strands together, exploring the affective relationality of humans, artefacts and spaces in an era of globalization, transnational connectivity and environmental change.
Her publications include Ethnographies of Movement, Sociality and Space: Place-Making in the New Northern Ireland (2018, with Milena Komarova), Creativity in Transition: Politics and Aesthetics of Cultural Production Across the Globe (2016, with Birgit Meyer), Emotions and Human Mobility: Ethnographies of Movement (2012), Moving Subjects, Moving Objects: Transnationalism, Cultural Production and Emotions (2012), Anthropology, Art and Cultural Production (2007), Postsocialism: Politics and Emotions in Central and Eastern Europe (2006) and Mixed Emotions: Anthropological Studies of Feelings (2005, with Kay Milton).
During her stay at the Institute of Ethnology, Maruška is working on her monograph Czech Art and the Politics of Visibility: An Ethnography of Un/Making and Un/Becoming. She is also keen to collaborate with people within and outside academia to experiment with creative ethnographic methods and discuss newly planned research on ecology and environmental transformation.