
Daniel Sosna

Daniel Sosna

Dan Sosna

Daniel Sosna, Ph.D.





Research profile 

Daniel Sosna obtained his PhD in 2007 at Florida State University, USA. His early career was focused on researching social organization and mortuary practices of past societies. Daniel’s recent research falls into discard studies and builds methodologically upon ethnography and garbology. His interests include economics and politics of waste, ethics in waste management, multispecies encounters with waste, and resource use. His regional expertise is in Central Europe.

Daniel’s last project “Waste Regime at a Crossroad” studied the internal dynamic of the Czech waste regime. The forthcoming Praemium Academiae “RESOURCE“ project, where Daniel will work as a researcher, focuses on frugal use of resources in households.

Daniel taught courses at the University of West Bohemia (14 years), Charles, Florida State, and Masaryk Universities. He currently serves as institute’s deputy director for evaluation and chair of its board.

Full CV


Research output 

Scientific Publications


2015    Sosna, D. and Brunclíková, L. Odpad pohledem společenských věd: metodická příručka. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita.

2008    Sosna, D. Social Differentiation in the Late Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age in South Moravia (Czech Republic). British Archaeological Reports, International Series 1994. Oxford: Archaeopress.


Edited Volumes & Special Issues

2022    Alexander, C. and Sosna, D. Thrift and its Paradoxes: From Domestic to Political Economy. New York: Berghahn.

2017    Sosna, D. and Brunclíková, L. Archaeologies of Waste: Encounters with the Unwanted. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2013   Fischer, M. D., Lyon, S. M., Sosna, D. and Henig, D. Computing in Anthropology. Special issue of Social Science Computer Review 31(1).

2013    Sosna, D., Kolář, J., Květina, P. and Trampota, F. Prehistoric archaeology in Central Europe. Special issue of Anthropologie 51(2).


Articles in peer reviewed journals

2024    Sosna, D. The Inner Dynamic of Moral Economies: The Case of Waste Management. East European Politics and Societies 38(1): 321–338.

2024    Sosna, D., Stehlíková, B. and Mašek, P. Ecologies of Quantification in Waste Management: Landfilling, E-Waste Recycling, and Car Breaking. Critique of Anthropology 44(1): 42–63.

2023    Sosna, D. Magnetism of Strangeness: Silenced Histories of Landscapes. History and Anthropology 34(3): 390-408.

2019    Sosna, D. Rescuing Things: Food Waste in the Rural Environment in the Czech Republic. Journal of Cleaner Production 214: 319-330.

2019    Sosna, D. and Brunclíková, L. Drinking and dreaming in the dormitories: Workers struggle in times of economic development. Journal of Material Culture 24(2): 232-50.

2018    Petřík, J, Sosna, D., Prokeš, L., Štefanisko, D. and Galeta, P. Shape matters: assessing regional variation of Bell Beaker projectile points in Central Europe using geometric morphometrics. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10(4): 893-904.

2016    Mik, P., Sosna, D. a Galeta, P. Zhodnocení možností odhadu pohlaví autorů paleolitických nástěnných maleb z otisků ruky. Archeologické rozhledy 68(1): 3-18.

2014    Brunclíková, L. a Sosna, D. Jednorázová společnost? Sledování konzumních vzorců v urbánním prostředí. Lidé města 16(1): 67-98.

2014    Brunclíková, L. a Sosna, D. Cesta do hlubin kontejneru. AntropoWebzin 2014(1): 1-9.

2013    Sosna, D., Brunclíková, L. and Henig, D. Testing iPad in the field: use of a relational database in garbological research. Anthropologie 51(3): 421-430.

2013    Sosna, D. For Whom the Texts Toll: Genres, Styles, and Discourses in Czech Archaeological Community. Anthropologie 51(2): 285-299.

2013    Sosna, D., Kolář, J., Květina, P. and Trampota, F. Prehistoric Archaeology in Central Europe: Beyond Diversity. Anthropologie 51(2): 123-130.

2013    Sosna, D., Galeta, P., Smejda, L., Sladek, V. and Bruzek, J. Burials and Graphs: Relational Approach to Mortuary Analysis. Social Science Computer Review 31(1): 56-70.

2013    Fischer, M. D., Lyon, S. M., Sosna, D. and Henig, D. Harmonizing Diversity: Tuning Anthropological Research to Complexity. Social Science Computer Review 31(1): 3-15.

2012   Sládek, V., Galeta, P. and Sosna, D. Measuring Human Remains in the Field: Grid Technique, Total Station, or MicroScribe? Forensic Science International 221: 16-22.

2012    Brunclíková, L. a Sosna, D. Garbologie: zrcadlo konzumní společnosti. AntropoWebzin 2012(3): 131-139.

2012    Maxová, E., Veleminský, P. a Sosna, D. Postmaritální rezidence u laténské populace Čech. Slovenská antropológia 15 (2): 42-46.

2011    Galeta, P., Sládek, V., Sosna, D. and Bruzek, J. Modeling Neolithic Dispersal in Central Europe: Demographic Implications. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 146: 104-115.

2010    Sosna, D., Sládek, V. and Galeta, P. Investigating Mortuary Sites: The Search for Synergy. Anthropologie 48(1): 33-40.

2009    Sosna, D. and Kotalová, J. Lévi-Strauss a směna. Teorie vědy 31(1): 65-90.

2008    Sosna, D., Galeta, P. and Sládek, V. A Resampling Approach to Gender Relations: The Rebešovice Cemetery. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(2): 342-354.

2007    Sládek, V., Berner, M., Sosna, D. and Sailer, R. Human Manipulative Behavior in the Central European Late Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age: Humeral Bilateral Asymmetry. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 133(1): 669-681.

2002    Sosna, D. and Illingworth, J. S. Konzervace křehkých archeologických nálezů technikou parylene conformal coating. Archeologické rozhledy 54(4): 877-890.

1999    Sosna, D. Experimentální ověření textilní produkce v mladém paleolitu. Archeologické rozhledy 51(1): 95-103.


Book Chapters

2024    Sosna, D. Circular Economy of Wastewater: Recirculation, Spinning, and Rolling to the Future. In P. O’Hare and D. Rams (eds.) Circular Economies in an Unequal World: Waste, Renewal, and the Effects of Global Circularity, 153-171. New York: Bloomsbury.

2023    Sosna, D. Mortuary Archaeology Networks. In M. Peeples, J. Munson, B. Mills, and T. Brughmans (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research, 117-131. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2022    Sosna, D. Saving and Wasting: The Paradox of Thrift in a Czech Landfill. In C. Alexander and D. Sosna (eds.) Thrift and Its Paradoxes: From Domestic to Political Economy, 162-184. New York: Berghahn.

2022    Alexander, C. and Sosna, D. Introduction: Thrift, Anti-thrift, Scale, and Paradox. In C. Alexander and D. Sosna (eds.) Thrift and Its Paradoxes: From Domestic to Political Economy, 1-30. New York: Berghahn.

2019    Sosna, D. and Spatzier, A. Arrowheads from Pömmelte-Zackmünde: Use-Wear analysis. In H. Meller (ed.) Mensch und Umwelt im Ringheiligtun von Pömmelte-Zackmünde, Salzlandkreis, 175-186. Halle and der Saale: Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt.

2017    Sosna, D. Heterotopias behind the Fence: Landfills as Relational Emplacements. In D. Sosna and L. Brunclíková (eds.) Archaeologies of waste: encounters with the unwanted, 1-13. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2017    Sosna, D. and Brunclíková, L. Introduction. In D. Sosna and L. Brunclíková (eds.) Archaeologies of waste: encounters with the unwanted, 162-178. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2012    Sosna, D. Stone arrowheads from Hoštice I: Use-Wear analysis. In A. Matějíčková and P. Dvořák (eds.) Pohřebiště z období zvoncovitých pohárů na trase dálnice D1 Vyškov – Mořice (Pravěk Supplementum 24, sv. I), 323-338. Brno: Ústav archeologické památkové péče.

2012    Sosna, D. Aplikovaná antropologie a obživa. In T. Hirt (ed.) Aplikovaná antropologie, 254-267. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita.

2012    Sosna, D. Environmentální aplikovaná antropologie. In T. Hirt (ed.) Aplikovaná antropologie, 237-253. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita.

2011    Sosna, D., Galeta, P., a Sládek, V. Narušování hrobů ve starší době bronzové: modelové scénáře. In S. Stuchlík (ed.) Materiály o pohřebním ritu: Druhotné zásahy v hrobech, Acta Archaeologica Opaviensia 4, 91-103. Opava: Slezská univerzita.

2010    Sládek, V., Laštůvková, P., Sosna, D. a Hora, M. Maxmilián z Golče, průzkum kosterních pozůstatků v hrobce Lorety v Golčově Jeníkově. In J. Kilián (ed.) Martin Maxmilián z Golče: Císařský generál ve víru třicetileté války, 200-207. České Budějovice: Veduta.

2008    Sosna, D. Metodologické poznámky pro budoucí výzkum v oblasti ekosystémových zdrojů u původních mimoevropských kultur. In R. Trnka and R. Lorencová (eds.) Antropoekologický přístup k problematice využití ekosystémových zdrojů u vybraných mimoevropských společností, 157-160. Praha: Zarzura.

2008    Galeta, P., Sosna, D., Sládek, V. a Čechura, M. Hodnocení distribuce izolovaných kostí na hřbitově u kostela sv. Ducha ve Všerubech: využití randomizačních metod. In J. Macháček (ed.) Počítačová podpora v archeologii II, 61-75. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita.

2008    Sládek, V., Galeta, P., Sosna, D., a Čechura, M. Metody terénní antropologie a dokumentace kosterních nálezů: příklad hřbitova u kostela Sv. Ducha ve Všerubech. In J. Macháček (ed.) Počítačová podpora v archeologii II, 217-236. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita.

2007    Růžička, M. a Sosna, D. Odkaz Roberta Hertze. In L. Lenk a M. Svoboda (eds.) Veselé tropy, 144-156. Praha: Dokořán.

2007    Henig, D. a Sosna, D. Využití informačních technologií při sociokulturním výzkumu. In I. Budil a Z. Horáková (eds.) Anthropologické symposium V, 11-20. Pelhřimov: Aleš Čeněk.

2007    Sosna, D. Sekundární pohřební aktivity: srovnávací studie. In I. T. Budil a T. Zíková (eds.) Antropologické symosium V, 169-182. Pelhřimov: Aleš Čeněk.

2006    Sosna, D. Sociální diferenciace v pozdním eneolitu. In I. Budil, Z. Horáková a M. Ulrychová (eds.) Anthropologické symposium IV. Pelhřimov: Aleš Čeněk.

2003    Sosna, D. Netrvanlivé organické materiály v mladém paleolitu. In: I. Budil a M. Ulrychová (eds.) Antropologické symposium II, 315-329. Pelhřimov: Aleš Čeněk.

Conference and Workshop Presentations

Selected Presentations

2023    Sosna, D. and Jehlička, P. Solidarities in Sharing (Un)wanted Food: From Banks to Wastes. 7th CASA Biennial Conference, Praha, 6-8 October 2023.

2023    Sosna, D. What do Landfills teach us? Epistemologies (I): Framing & Methods 1, Re-opening the Bin 2023, Lancaster, 15-17 June 2023.

2023    Sosna, D. Who Is Eating What and Who Is Eating Who? Beyond Commensality of Multispecies Relations. Commensality and the City, Cambridge, 25 May 2023.

2023    Sosna, D., Brož, L. and Skála, T. Between Science and Art: Study and Representation of Multispecies Relations. Social Labs/Creative Methodologies #1, Utrecht, 5 April 2023.

2022    Sosna, D. Emergent Opportunities in Multispecies Relations: Garbage, Ravens, and Disturbing Landscape. Relations in Multispecies Ecologies, AAA 2022, Seattle, 12 November 2022 (online).

2022    Sosna, D. Landfill as Multimodal Heritage. Conference panel '(Un-)wanted Alternatives? Negotiating Heritage in Postindustrial Environments II, EASA 2022, Belfast, 29 July 2022.

2022    Sosna, D. Forms of informality: Searching for meaningful life at Czech landfills. Workshop 'Regulating Work: Exploring the dynamics of labour beyond the formal/informal divide' Liège, 9-10 June 2022.

2021    Sosna, D. and Henig, D. Introduction: Containers and Waste. Containers and Waste: Ordering the Unruly, Praha, 25 October 2021 (online).

2021    Sosna, D. Magnetic Power of Strangeness: Coal mines, War Victims, and Waste Dumps. Zona: Post-industrial landscapes and possible futures. DGSKA 2021, Bremen, 27 September - 1 October (online).

2021    Sosna, D., Mašek, P. and Stehlíková, B. Searching for ‘Hard Data’: Crooked Ways of Waste Quantification. Waste governance (I): Waste Regimes. Re-opening the Bin 2021, Gothenburg, 10-12 June 2021 (online).

2021    Sosna, D. ‘Of Ravens and Men’: Multispecies Encounters with Plastics in a Czech Wastescape. Intractable plastic: responsibilities in ‘plasticized’ worlds I. ASA, St Andrews, 29 March - 2 April 2021 (online).


Conference and Workshop Organisation

2021    Containers and Waste: Ordering the Unruly, 25.10.2021, Praha. Co-organized with D. Henig.

2021    Ernest Gellner´s Legacy and Social Theory Today, 6-8.5.2021, Praha. Programme Committee.

2021    6. Bienální konference CASA, 17-18.4.2021, Praha. Programme Committee.

2018    Thrift in Anthropology: Between Thriftiness and Wasting, October 18-19, Pilsen. Co-organized with C. Hann.

2018    Joint Biennial Conference of the Slovak Association of Social Anthropology (SASA) and the Czech Association for Social Anthropology (CASA): Vulnerability and Resilience: Adaptive Strategies and Global Change. Programme Committee.

2016    4th Biennial Conference of the Czech Association for Social Anthropology: Ambiguity, co-organiser with other members of the Executive Board of CASA. Programme Committee.

2013    Garbage and (Non)humans, Symposium held at the 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, September 4-8, 2013, Pilsen. Co-organized with L. Brunclíková, and D. Henig.

2012    Theory and method in the prehistoric archaeology of Central Europe, October 24-26, 2012, Mikulov. Programme Committee.

2010    First European Workshop of the Society for Anthropological Sciences, September 22-24, 2010, Pilsen. Co-organized with S. Lyon, and D. Henig.

2008    Looting and its Significance for Funerary Archaeology, Symposium held at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, March 26-30, 2008, Vancouver, Canada. Lead organizer.          

2004    The Transition from the Neolithic to the Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain: The Körös Regional Archaeological Project, 2003, Symposium held at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, March 31 – April 4, 2004, Montreal, Canada. Co-organized with W. A. Parkison.

Grants and Awards


2017    Ladislav Holy Annual Lecture: Každodenní etika v časech nejistoty: klopýtání transakční logiky v neformální ekonomice odpadu. Czech Association for Social Anthropology, Praha, 21.1.2017.

2012    Fulbright Honorary Ambassador.

2007    Second position in the competition for Jan Rulf Award, Institute of Archaeology, Czech Academy of Sciences.



2020    Sosna, D. Waste Regime at a Crossroad: Divergent Trajectories of Things, Cars, and Electronics. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.

2018    Sosna, D. and Hann, C. Thrift in Anthropology: Between Thriftiness and Wasting. The Wenner-Gren Foundation.

2014    Sosna, D. Social Dimension of Household Waste: Consumption in the Post-Socialist Space. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.

2013    Brunclíková, L. and Sosna, D. Social Dimension of Human Waste. Grant Agency of the University of West Bohemia.

2012    Brunclíková, L. and Sosna, D. Social Dimension of Waste. Grant Agency of the University of West Bohemia.

2010    Sosna, D. and Lyon, S. European Workshop of the the Society for Anthropological Sciences. The Wenner-Gren Foundation.

2010    Sosna, D. Student Conference: Perspectives on the Study of Past Populations. Grant Agency of the University of West Bohemia.

2009    Sládek, V., Sosna, D., and Galeta, P. The Diachronic Changes of Long Bone Cross-Sectional Geometry in Human Prehistoric Populations in Central Europe: The Biomechanical Analysis. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.

2008    Sosna, D. POSTDOC-08, Human Resource Development at the University of West Bohemia.

2005 – 2011    Sládek, V., Galeta, P., and Sosna, D. Methods of Field Anthropology. Specific Research Grant at the University of West Bohemia.

2004    Sosna, D. Social Differentiation during the Transition from the Late Copper Age to the Early Bronze Age in Central Europe. Eisele Predissertation Research Award, Florida State University.



2003 – 2004    Out-of-State Tuition Fee Exemption Award – Florida Eastern Europe Linkage Institute.

2002    Fulbright scholarship for doctoral students.

2000    Internship at Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania.

Other selected publications and activities

2022    Sosna, D., Henig, D. and Figura, R. Raven Polluters. Anthropology News 63(3): 21-23.

2020    Sosna, D., Stehlíková, B. a Mašek, P. Komu odpad zapáchá? Proměny odpadu v časech velkých možností. Waste Regime Blog.

2020    Sosna, D., Keil, P. and Brož, L. Pandemic futures: disposable or reusable masks? 2020. Times of COVID-19.

2020    Sosna, D. Pěstováním a chovem k menšímu plýtvání potravinami. Zahrádkář 52(4): 58.