Jan Ort: Roma Agents of the "Gypsy Question".
Jan Ort: Roma Agents of the "Gypsy Question".
23. 05. 2024
"Belonging, Mobility, and Resettlement Policy in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s". Seminar, 3. 6., 14:00
Jan Ort: Roma Agents of the "Gypsy Question". Belonging, Mobility, and Resettlement Policy in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s
Abstract: The presentation will focus on the practice of the resettlement program targeting the Romani population in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. For a long time, this program has been considered in the historical and Romani studies literature as one of the symbols of the communist regime's assimilation policy towards the Roma, which in such a narrative was to lead to a fatal disruption of their socio-cultural systems. Paradoxically, however, such a framing failed to include the life experiences and perspectives of the Roma themselves. The aim of the already completed research was both to document the practice of central state policies in specific places and to contribute to broader discussions about the possibilities and ways of writing Romani histories, the forms of Romani agency, and the conceptualization of the position of the Roma in non-Romani societies (not only) in socialist Czechoslovakia. The presentation is an introduction to the forthcoming book which is based on the author's recently defended dissertation.
Discussant: Pavel Baloun, Ph.D., Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
pondělí / Monday 3. 6. 2024, 14:00 CET
Velká zasedací místnost Ústavu analytické chemie AV ČR / Large meeting room of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the CAS
Veveří 97
602 00 Brno
Vstup / Entrance: Veveří 5. patro / 5th floor
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