Andre Thiemann
Andre Thiemann
Mgr. André THIEMANN, Dr. phil.
Postdoktorandský výzkumník
Oddělení ekologické antropologie
Food chains research blog:
Oblasti odborného zájmu
Multispecies ethnography, global value chains, infrastructures, kinship and the state, street-level bureaucracy, social security and care
2016 Dr. phil. in Social Anthropology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Thesis title: State Relations: Local State and Social Security in Central Serbia.
2009 Magister in Social Anthropology, Free University Berlin, Germany
Thesis title: The Dynamics of the Markets in Rural Ijumu, Nigeria: An Extended Case Study of Moral Economy and Conflict.
2022. s Kristīne Rolle. Becoming In-visible: Family Farms in Rural Latvia in the Framework of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment (SI: Smallholdings, livelihood strategies and public policies in Europe: the issue of self-sufficiency) (v tisku).
2020. ‘The Red Gold of Serbia: A Historical Ethnography of Serbian Raspberry Production for the Global Market.’ Vienna Working Papers in Ethnography 10.
2019. ‘Moral Appreciation: Caring for Post-Socialist Cows in Contemporary Serbia.’ Etnofoor 31 (2): 13–31 (revised and expanded version of 2017).
2017. ‘Kapitalizam koji se smanjuje, “mlečni putevi”, i moralno uvažavanje “živog sela” u Srbiji.’ Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU 65 (2): 387-402. (Shrinking Capitalism, ‘Milky Ways’ and the Moral Appreciation of the ‘Living Village’.)
2014. ‘State Kinning and Kinning the State in Serbian Elder Care Programs.’ Social Analysis (special issue – Stategraphy) 58 (3): 107-123. with Tatjana Thelen and Duška Roth.
2014. ‘“It was the Least Painful to go into Greenhouse Production:” The Moral Appreciation of Social Security in Post-Socialist Serbia.’ Contemporary Southeastern Europe 1 (2): 24-41.
Kapitoly v knihách
2022. Commodity Chains. In Handbook of Economic Anthropology, 3rd, revised edition. Ed. J. Carrier; Cheltenham and Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar.
2018. Underimplementing the Law: Social Work, Bureaucratic Error, and the Politics of Distribution in Postsocialist Serbia. In: From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File: Public Health in Eastern Europe. Eds. H. Karge, Heike, F. Kind-Kovács, Friederike & S. Bernasconi. Budapest: CEU University Press, pp. 293-313.
Mediální a digitální publikace
2018. Of Refugees and States: How Vernacular Humanitarianism Draws Together Disparate Scales of Statecraft, Public Anthropologist Journal Blog (8.10.2018).
2017. Towards a relational anthropology of the state, Allegra Lab (9.12.2017).
2014. Florian Bieber (University of Graz) interviews Andre Thiemann (MPI Halle) about his research article “It was the least painful to go into Greenhouse Production” 11 min., (13.11.2014).