Stephanie Rudwick
Stephanie Rudwick
Stephanie Rudwick, PhD
Oddělení mobility a migrace
ORCID: 0000-0001-6669-498X
e-mail: rudwick@eu.cas.cz
Etnicita, gender, politika identity, jazyková a rasová politika, migrace v Africe a z Afriky, Jihoafrická republika
2006 PhD Linguistics, University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban, South Africa
2001 Mgr. Anthropology, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Germany
Rudwick, S. (2021). The Ambiguity of English as a Lingua Franca: Politics of Language and Race in South Africa. London/New York: Routledge.
Odborné články
Rudwick, Stephanie, Sijadu Zameka, Irina Turner. (2021). Politics of Language in Covid-19: Multilingual Perspectives from South Africa. Politikon 48(2), 242-259.
Rudwick, S. and S. Makoni (2021). Southernizing and decolonising the Sociology of Language: African scholarship matters. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 167/169, 159-163.
Posel, Dorrit, Mark Hunter and Stephanie Rudwick. (2020) ‘Revisiting the Prevalence of English: Language Use Outside the Home in South Africa’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1778707
Rudwick, S. (2018) Language, Africanisation and Identity Politics in South African tertiary education. Language, Identity and Education 17(4), 255-269.
Rudwick, S. (2017). Compulsory African language learning at a South African Tertiary Institution. Language Problems and Language Planning 41(2),116-137.
Msibi, T. and S. Rudwick (2015). Intersections of two isiZulu genderlects and the construction of skesana identities. Stellenbosch Paper in Linguistics Plus 46, 51-66.
Rudwick, S. und D. Posel (2015). Zulu bridewealth (ilobolo) and womanhood in South Africa. Social Dynamics 41 (2), 289-306.
Rudwick S. and D. Posel (2014). Contemporary functions of ilobolo in urban South African Zulu society. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 32(1), 118-136.
Posel, D. and S. Rudwick (2014). Marriage and ilobolo in contemporary Zulu society. African Studies Review 57(2), 51-72.
Kapitoly v knihách
Bangeni, B., Bangeni N. and S. Rudwick (2022). Begging for Authenticity. In Antia, B. and S. Makoni (eds). Southernizing Sociolinguistics. Colonialism, Racism and Patriarchy in Language in the Global South. London/New York: Routledge.
Rudwick, S. (2022) Language Politics in Stellenbosch University. In Nekula, M., T. Sherman, and H. Zawiszova (eds), Interests and Power in Language Management, pp. 101-122. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Rudwick, S. (2021). Englishes and Cosmopolitanism in South Africa. In Hrubeš, M. and A. Kasanda (eds). Africa in a Multilateral World: Afropolitan Dilemmas. London/New York: Routledge.
Rudwick, S. (2018). The struggle to promote and African language at a South African university: A language management perspective. In L. Fairbrother, J. Nekvapil and M. Sloboda (eds) The Language Management Approach: Focus on Research Methodology, pp. 157-182. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, in print.
Rudwick S. (2016). Afrikaans and institutional identity: A South African university in the crossfire. In H. Horáková and K. Werkman (Eds). Knowledge production in and on Africa, pp. 127-150. Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Rudwick S. and T. Msibi (2016). Social and linguistic representations of South African same-sex relations. In E. Levon and R.B. Mendes (eds), Language, Sexuality and Power, pp. 39-59. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rudwick, S. (2015). To be or not to be ‘African’: Discursive race politics in a South African online forum. In M. Dedaic (ed.). Singing, Speaking, and Writing Politics. South African Political Discourse, 67-86. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Rudwick, S. (2014). Ethnolinguistic dynamics in two young democracies: A comparison of language stigmas. In H. Horáková and S. Rudwick (eds), Global Challenges and Local Reactions: Czech Republic and South Africa, 143-160. Lit Verlag.
2022 Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), PI of the project: Africans in the Czech Republic: Focus on Language and Race
2020 Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies (STIAS)
Research Fellowship, Project: The Ambiguity of English as a Lingua Franca
2018 - 2020 South African National Research Foundation (NRF)
Co-PI of the project: Politics in Higher Education
2013 - 2018 German Research Foundation (DFG), Modul “Eigene Stelle”. Project: Language and Ethnicity in South African Higher Education
2010 - 2011 South African National Research Foundation (NRF), Post-doctoral
Grant: Marriage and Bridewealth in South Africa
2007 - 2009 University of KwaZulu-Natal, Internal post-doctoral Grant: Ethnicity and linguistic variety in the province of KwaZulu-Natal.
Detailní CV: zde
ResearchGate profil: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stephanie-Rudwick
Google Scholar profil: https://scholar.google.cz/citations?user=WfwGtBMAAAAJ&hl=en