Thorsten Gieser
Thorsten Gieser
Thorsten Gieser, Ph.D.
Oddělení ekologické antropologie
e-mail: gieser@eu.cas.cz
Hunting research blog: hunter-anthropologist.de
2009 PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Aberdeen, UK
Dissertation title: Experiencing the Lifeworld of Druids: a cultural phenomenology of perception
2004 MA in Social Anthropology and Religious Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dissertation title: Dog of Heaven of Man-Eater? A Relational Approach to Wolf Representations of the Tuva Pastoralists (Western Mongolia)
Research Interests
Environmental Anthropology, human-animal relations, multispecies ethnography, landscape, hunting, sensory anthropology, phenomenology, embodiment, emotion and affect
Thorsten Gieser (2008). Experiencing the Lifeworld of Druids: A Cultural Phenomenology of Perception. PhD Thesis, University of Aberdeen, GB (available online at British Library EThOS, ID uk.bl.ethos.499115)
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds) (2012). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Wald, Wild, Wetter und das Waidwerk: Sinnliche Erkundungen einer Jagdlandschaft. Alltag - Kultur - Wissenschaft 7 (2020): 169-196
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Response (to Nick Overton's article 'Can hunter-gatherers ever 'get to know' their prey?'). Hunter-Gatherer Research 4 (2): 31-33
von Essen, Erica, van Heijgen, Eugenie & Thorsten Gieser (2019). Hunting communities of practice: Factors behind the social differentiation of hunters in modernity. Journal of Rural Studies 68: 13-21
Cristina Grasseni & Thorsten Gieser (2019). Skilled Mediations: Introduction. Social Anthropology (Special Section on Skilled Mediations) 27 (1): 6-16
Cristina Grasseni & Thorsten Gieser (2019). Response to Rupert Cox. Social Anthropology (Special Section on Skilled Mediations) 27 (1): 65-66
Thorsten Gieser (2019). Sensing and knowing noises: an acoustemology of the chainsaw. Social Anthropology (Special Section on Skilled Mediations) 27 (1): 50-61
Thorsten Gieser (2018). The experience of 'being a hunter': Towards a phenomenological anthropology of hunting practices. Hunter-Gatherer Research 3 (2): 227-251
Thorsten Gieser (2014). Enskillment Inhibited: 'Industrial Gardening' in Britain. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20, 131-149
Thorsten Gieser (2008). Embodiment, emotion and empathy: A phenomenological approach to apprenticeship learning, Anthropological Theory 8 (3), 299-318
Thorsten Gieser (2008). Me, my prey, and I: Embodiment and empathy in the dialogical self of a hunter, Studia Psychologica 6 (8), 41-54 (Special issue on the dialogical self (guest edited by Hubert Hermans & Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka))
Thorsten Gieser (2006). How to Transform into Goddesses and Elephants: Exploring the Potentiality of the Dialogical Self, Culture & Psychology 12 (4), 443-459
Book Chapters
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Beyond 'Natural Enemies': Wolves and Nomads in Mongolia. In: Marlis Heyer and Susanne Hose (eds) Encounters with wolves: dynamics and futures. Bautzen: Sorbisches Institut, pp. 50-62
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Hunting wild animals in Germany: conflicts between wildlife management and 'traditional' practices of Hege. In: Michaela Fenske & Bernhard Tschofen (Hrsg.). Managing the Return of the Wild: Human Encounters with Wolves in Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 164-179
Thorsten Gieser (2018). Killing a wounded sow: a phenomenological approach to a problematic hunting situation. In: Thiemo Breyer & Thomas Widlok (Hrsg.). The Situationality of Human-Animal Relations: Perspectives from Anthropology and Philosophy. Bielefeld:transcript
Thorsten Gieser (2016). Druids at Wayland's Smithy: Tracing transformations of the sentient body in ritual. In: Matthias Jung, Michaela Bauks & Andreas Ackermann (Hrsg.) Dem Körper eingeschrieben: Verkörperung zwischen Leiberleben und kulturellem Sinn. Springer VS
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introductory chapter: history, main tenets and core concepts of dialogical self theory. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introduction: Theoretical Contributions. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introduction: Methods for studying the dialogical self. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introduction: Domains of application. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Thorsten Gieser and Hubert Hermans (2011). Emotion and Empathy in the Dialogical Self. In: Mariann Martsin, Brady Wagoner, Emma-louise Aveling, Irini Kadianaki and Lisa Whittaker (eds). Dialogicality in Focus: Challenges to Theory, Method, and Application. New York: Nova Science Publishers