Thorsten Gieser
Thorsten Gieser
Thorsten Gieser, Ph.D.
Oddělení ekologické antropologie
Hunting research blog:
2009 PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Aberdeen, UK
Dissertation title: Experiencing the Lifeworld of Druids: a cultural phenomenology of perception
2004 MA in Social Anthropology and Religious Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dissertation title: Dog of Heaven of Man-Eater? A Relational Approach to Wolf Representations of the Tuva Pastoralists (Western Mongolia)
Research Interests
Environmental Anthropology, human-animal relations, multispecies ethnography, landscape, hunting, sensory anthropology, phenomenology, embodiment, emotion and affect
Thorsten Gieser (2008). Experiencing the Lifeworld of Druids: A Cultural Phenomenology of Perception. PhD Thesis, University of Aberdeen, GB (available online at British Library EThOS, ID
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds) (2012). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Wald, Wild, Wetter und das Waidwerk: Sinnliche Erkundungen einer Jagdlandschaft. Alltag - Kultur - Wissenschaft 7 (2020): 169-196
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Response (to Nick Overton's article 'Can hunter-gatherers ever 'get to know' their prey?'). Hunter-Gatherer Research 4 (2): 31-33
von Essen, Erica, van Heijgen, Eugenie & Thorsten Gieser (2019). Hunting communities of practice: Factors behind the social differentiation of hunters in modernity. Journal of Rural Studies 68: 13-21
Cristina Grasseni & Thorsten Gieser (2019). Skilled Mediations: Introduction. Social Anthropology (Special Section on Skilled Mediations) 27 (1): 6-16
Cristina Grasseni & Thorsten Gieser (2019). Response to Rupert Cox. Social Anthropology (Special Section on Skilled Mediations) 27 (1): 65-66
Thorsten Gieser (2019). Sensing and knowing noises: an acoustemology of the chainsaw. Social Anthropology (Special Section on Skilled Mediations) 27 (1): 50-61
Thorsten Gieser (2018). The experience of 'being a hunter': Towards a phenomenological anthropology of hunting practices. Hunter-Gatherer Research 3 (2): 227-251
Thorsten Gieser (2014). Enskillment Inhibited: 'Industrial Gardening' in Britain. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20, 131-149
Thorsten Gieser (2008). Embodiment, emotion and empathy: A phenomenological approach to apprenticeship learning, Anthropological Theory 8 (3), 299-318
Thorsten Gieser (2008). Me, my prey, and I: Embodiment and empathy in the dialogical self of a hunter, Studia Psychologica 6 (8), 41-54 (Special issue on the dialogical self (guest edited by Hubert Hermans & Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka))
Thorsten Gieser (2006). How to Transform into Goddesses and Elephants: Exploring the Potentiality of the Dialogical Self, Culture & Psychology 12 (4), 443-459
Book Chapters
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Beyond 'Natural Enemies': Wolves and Nomads in Mongolia. In: Marlis Heyer and Susanne Hose (eds) Encounters with wolves: dynamics and futures. Bautzen: Sorbisches Institut, pp. 50-62
Thorsten Gieser (2020). Hunting wild animals in Germany: conflicts between wildlife management and 'traditional' practices of Hege. In: Michaela Fenske & Bernhard Tschofen (Hrsg.). Managing the Return of the Wild: Human Encounters with Wolves in Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 164-179
Thorsten Gieser (2018). Killing a wounded sow: a phenomenological approach to a problematic hunting situation. In: Thiemo Breyer & Thomas Widlok (Hrsg.). The Situationality of Human-Animal Relations: Perspectives from Anthropology and Philosophy. Bielefeld:transcript
Thorsten Gieser (2016). Druids at Wayland's Smithy: Tracing transformations of the sentient body in ritual. In: Matthias Jung, Michaela Bauks & Andreas Ackermann (Hrsg.) Dem Körper eingeschrieben: Verkörperung zwischen Leiberleben und kulturellem Sinn. Springer VS
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introductory chapter: history, main tenets and core concepts of dialogical self theory. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introduction: Theoretical Contributions. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introduction: Methods for studying the dialogical self. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (2012). Introduction: Domains of application. In: Hubert Hermans and Thorsten Gieser (eds). Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Thorsten Gieser and Hubert Hermans (2011). Emotion and Empathy in the Dialogical Self. In: Mariann Martsin, Brady Wagoner, Emma-louise Aveling, Irini Kadianaki and Lisa Whittaker (eds). Dialogicality in Focus: Challenges to Theory, Method, and Application. New York: Nova Science Publishers