
Marianna Szczygielska

Marianna Szczygielska

Szczygielska MariannaMarianna Szczygielska, Ph.D.
Postdoktorandská výzkumnice

Oddělení ekologické antropologie

E-mail: szczygielska[at]


2017  PhD in Comparative Gender Studies, Central European University in Budapest, Hungary
Dissertation title: Queer(ing) Naturecultures. The Study of Zoo Animals

2010  MA in Gender Studies, Central European University in Budapest, Hungary
Dissertation title: Becoming (with) Animal Others: Is the Anthropological Machine Set up in the Zoo?

2009  MA in Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
Dissertation title: Ethics of Responsibility in the Face of Environmental Risks

Oblasti odborného zájmu

human-animal relations; history of life sciences; feminist science and technology studies; gender and sexuality; postcolonial theory; zoological gardens; multispecies ethnography; environmental humanities



(Forthcoming)  ‘Od kości słoniowej do plastiku, czyli nienaturalna historia wymierania.’ Kultura Współczesna, special issue: ‘Muzeum antropocenu.’ (‘From ivory to plastic, or the unnatural history of extinction’).

2020  ‘Elephant Empire: Zoos and Colonial Encounters in Eastern Europe.’ Cultural Studies (special issue: Empire Off-Center: Memory, Nature, Performance and Affect as Imperial Cultural Formations) 34(5): 789–810.

2017  ‘Jedząc kebaba… Zwierzęta i zwierzęcość a islamofobia.’ Praktyka Teoretyczna 26(4): 238-248. (‘Eating a kebab… Animals/Animality and Islamophobia’)

2017  ‘Hyenas and Hormones: Transpecies Encounters and the Traffic in HumAnimals.’ Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 22(2): 61-84.

2015  ‘Posthumanizm: dzień po rewolucji,’ Czas Kultury 184(1): 140-147. (‘Posthumanism: A Day After the Revolution’).

2013  ‘Transbiological Re-imaginings of the Modern Self and the Nonhuman: Zoo Animals as Transbiological Entities.’ Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture 10(2): 101-110.

Kapitoly v knihách

2019  ‘Good Change’ and Better Activism: Feminist Responses to Backsliding Gender Policies in Poland. In Gendering Democratic Backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Agenda, eds. Andrea Krizsán and Conny Roggeband. Budapest: CEU Press, pp. 120-160.

2019  Pandas and the Reproduction of Race and Sexuality in the Zoo. In Zoo Studies. A New Humanities, eds. Tracy McDonald, and Daniel Vandersommers. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 211-236.

2017  Zoos. In Gender: Animals. Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks, ed. Juno Salazar Parreñas. Farmington Hills: Macmillan Reference, pp. 247-262.

Editované sborníky a speciální vydání

2019  ‘Plantarium: Human-Vegetal Ecologies.’ Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience 5(2): 1-12. (with Olga Cielemęcka).

2017  ‘Thinking Linking.’ Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities (special issue Tranimacies: Intimate Links between Affect, Animals, and Trans* Studies) 22(2):1-10. (with Eliza Steinbock and Anthony Wagner).

2013  ‘The Conditions of Praxis: Theory and Practice in Activism and Academia.’ Graduate Journal of Social Science 10(3): 8-13. (with Maja Nitis and Whitney Stark).

Mediální a digitální publikace

2020  ‘One mask fits all? Gender and care work in Covid crisis.’ The Mask-Arrayed.

2019  ‘Decolonization in Action. Episode 1: Decolonizing Berlin.’ Audio Podcast (with Edna Bohnhomme and Kristyna Comer).

2019  ‘Poland’s wild boar targeted in pointless cull that could actually spread swine fever.’ The Conversation.

2018  ‘Captive breeding has a dark side – as disturbing Czech discovery of trafficked tiger body parts highlights.’ The Conversation.

2018  ‘Wild Boars and Family Values in Poland.’ Bewildering Boar Blog.

2018  ‘Feral Interview. A Conversation with Eva Hayward and Jack Halberstam.’ Audio Podcast (with Adriana Qubaia).

2016  ‘Vegetal Ecologies.’ New Materialism Almanac. (with Olga Cielemęcka).